Mr. Alloice King'ala - Director
The Supply Chain Management Directorate is heade by and is composed of Seven members of staff whose duties and responsibilities are distinct. Currently, the officers who work in the department with their designations are scheduled hereunder:
Ms. Valarie Ogachi Deputy Director |
Mr. Shem MikaeProcurement Officer |
Ms. Scolasticah OmbatiProcurement Officer |
Mr. Jeremiah BosireProcurement Officer |
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Duties and Responsibilities of Supply Chain Management.
1. Maintain and update standing lists of registered tenderers required by the procuring entity and liaise with the Authority in respect of the Authority’s register of suppliers and procuring agents;
2.Assist in Preparation, publishing and distribution of procurement and disposal opportunities including invitations to tender, pre-qualification documents and invitations for expressions of interest;
3. Co-ordinate the receiving and opening of tender documents;
4. Maintain and safeguard procurement and disposal documents and records;
5. Submit shortlists and lists of pre-qualified tenderers to the Clerk for approval;
6. Issue procurement and disposal documents to candidates in accordance with the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act 2015;
7. Propose the membership of Evaluation Committee to the Clerk for approval;
8. Co-ordinate the Evaluation of tenders, quotations and proposals;
9. Prepare and assist in publishing notices of award and notices of tender acceptance;
10.Assist in Preparing contract documents, in line with the award decision;
11. Maintain and archive documents and records of the procurement and disposal activities for the required period;
12. Act as a Secretariat to the tender Evaluation committee;
13. Prepare and submit to the Authority reports required under the Act and guidelines of the Authority;
14.Assist in monitoring contract management by user departments to ensure implementation of contracts in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contracts;
15. Report any significant departures from the terms and conditions of the contract to the Clerk;
16. Prepare consolidated procurement and disposal plans;
17. Advise the procuring entity on aggregation of procurement to promote economies of scale;
18. Co-ordinate internal monitoring and Evaluation of the Supply Chain function;
19. Carry out periodic Market Surveys to inform the placing of orders or adjudication by the relevant award committee;
20. Conduct periodic and annual stock taking; certify the invoices and payment vouchers to suppliers;
21. Verify that the available stock levels warrant initiating a procurement process;
22. Inspection and Acceptance of Works, Goods and Services; and
23. Endorsement of payment of suppliers.