Sunday, February 9, 2025

Custom Adv 1


County Assembly of Nyamira was created by the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and operationalised by the County Government Act No. 17 of 2012. Article 7 of the County Government Act outlines   Membership of the county assembly and in addition to the members who are elected under Article 177(a), or nominated under Article 177(b) of the Constitution, nominated members as contemplated in Article 177(c) of the Constitution; and (b) the speaker, who is an ex officio member elected in accordance with Article 178 of the Constitution.County Assembly of Nyamira comprises the Office of the Honorable Speaker, County Assembly Service Board (CASB), and Members of County Assembly (MCA’s), office of the Clerk, Six Directorates and distinguished Audit Committee.Human Resource Management is part of management that manages people and employee relationship in an organization to ensure that human capital is utilized efficiently to give greatest value for service delivery.Directorate of Human Resource and Administration has the following sections/units.

  1. Human Resource
  • Payroll
    • Training and Development Committee (TDC)
    • Disciplinary Committee
    • Staff welfare Committee
Functions of Human Resource and AdministrationThe Human Resource Management function entails effective organization and administration of Human Resource Management Services in accordance with existing human resource policies, rules and regulations in the County Assembly Service with a view of ensuring that County Assembly employees are properly facilitated for effective performance and productivity.  This entails recruitments and placement, training and development needs for staff falling under them, career progression, human resource planning, and communication, discipline, remuneration and staff welfare. The Directorate of Human Resource and Administration ensures that all functions and roles are in conjunction with the constitution of Kenya 2010 Article 232.Remuneration is one of the key roles of Human Resource where employees /state officers are paid for the service rendered   at the end of the month .Remuneration for the state officers and public officers are anchored in the Constitution of Kenya 2010 Article 230 (4) (a) which states that the Salaries and Remuneration Commission has reviewed and set the remuneration and benefits for the state officers in the county government. Salaries for both state and public officers are computed and implemented as per the Salaries and Remuneration Commission Circulars from time to timeOn the same the Constitution of Kenya 2010 Article 41 states that: 
(1) Every person has the right to fair labour practices.(2) Every worker has the right for fair remuneration;We ensure that salaries and wages are paid in accordance with the employment Act 2007 Clause   5 (section 4) which states that an employer shall pay his employees equal remuneration for work of equal value.Policies and Procedures -The Human Resource and Administration ensures policies and procedures are implemented once the CASB has approved in line with any law and the Constitution of Kenya 2010. Article 10. (1) Which states the following national values and principles of governance in this Article that bind all State organs, State officers, public officers and all persons whenever any of them.Human Resource Directorate ensures that all sate officers and Public officers comply with Article 80 (d) of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 which states that –Making any other provision necessary for ensuring the promotion of the principles of leadership and integrity mentioned in this Chapter, and the enforcement of this Chapter.Recruitment and appointment -Through man power planning and Human Resource Audit,  gaps may be realized in various positions which the CASB will fill in the new financial year subject to the budget approved by Controller  of Budget .Once the gaps have been identified County assembly Service Boards will advertise all vacant posts that will reach the widest pool of potential applicants and allow for at least 21 days before closing the advert. The advert must be detailed with information more especially the Job description, job specification,   number of vacancies and proposed remuneration /job grading if necessary. Clause 7 (b) of the County Government Act 2012 states that one of the responsibilities of County Assembly Service Board is constituting offices in the county assembly service, and appointing and supervising office holders.Recruitment in County Assembly is guided by the values and principles of the Public service spelt out in Article 10, 73 and 232 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010. Therefore recruitment   procedures are followed to ensure that the best applicant candidate who meet the matrices /threshold and is due for appointment.Staff performance – We ensure that all Directorates and Head of Departments provide information to the CASB through the Clerk who is  Head of Service in Civil Service  in relation to their work performance as per the County Government 2012 Clause 47.(1,2)  which states that - we shall design a performance management plan to evaluate performance of the county Assembly service and the implementation of county policies and the  plan shall provide for among others—  objective, measurable and time bound performance indicators which must linkage to mandate.Staff discipline –This is to ensure that within County Assembly there are rules, regulations and standards that are formal to ensure order .These rules and regulations will regulate or govern employee’s relations. Once structures are put in place, employees are treated equally and fairly which will manage deviant behavior. Once there is proactive disciplinary committee /advisory committee, staff discipline procedures will be followed as per the County Assembly of Nyamira Human Resource Manual  ,Employment Act 2007  Clause  41 ,42,43,  44 and Clause 27 (1 &2) of County Assembly Service Act 2017 which states that the Board shall exercise disciplinary control over the officers of the Service and the Board may terminate the employment of an employee of the Service in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the Regulations made there under.Training and Development-Training is a learning process that involves acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills, concepts, and rules or changing of attitudes and behaviors to enhance the performance of employees. Development refers to any learning activities which is directed towards future,needs rather than present needs and is concerned more with career growth than immediate performance .Clause 11 (d i)states that one of the functions of County Assembly Service Act is to  initiate programmes  for training and capacity building of members and staff of the county assembly and other persons. County Assembly has a proactive Training and Development Committee which ensures that Training Needs Assessment is carried out   to identify the gaps from all departments for training.The summary of Human Resource and Administration
  • Staffing  Organization structure; Employment; HR Planning; Promotion; Deployment
  • Human Resource Audit which include skills audit; staffing audit; staffing levels ,staff inventory
  • Job evaluation to determine the relative worth of jobs, grades the jobs, and creates career paths.
  • Schemes of Service to enhance career progression guidelines to delineate duties / responsibilities and to specify the required competencies.
  • Human Resource Manuals which shows the terms and conditions of service.
  • Key result areas, standards of performance, and performance management system.
  • Payroll system which defines the defined cyclic operations and their deadlines.
  • Compensation : pay and benefits, incentives, allowances, job evaluation
  • Job performance : job description, performance appraisal, training, awards, discipline
  • Employee relations & welfare : labour laws, Medicare, housing, transport, safety, security
  • HR policy: HR Rules, Regulations and Policy; Terms and Conditions of Service;
  • Duties of Advisory Committee


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County Assembly of Nyamira

P.O Box 590- 40500 Nyamira

Tel: 0701 967 200

